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Breathe New Life into Your Home By Replacing your Casement Windows

Casement windows are one of the most popular windows in the UK. We’ve previously looked at storm vs. flush casement windows, but today we’re concentrating on how replacement casement windows can improve your home’s energy efficiency while enhancing its appearance.

The types of casement windows

A casement window is any window that opens and closes on a hinge rather than panels that slide over each other (sliding sash windows). 

While the two main types of casement windows are flush and stormproof, there are subtypes that you should be aware of. 

Single Casement Window

The most basic design, a single casement window, features a single pane of glass in a frame hinged on one side. Single casement windows open outwards like a door, ideal for uninterrupted views. They also offer fantastic ventilation.

Double Casement Window

Sometimes called French casement windows, double casement windows have two panels side by side. They each have a hinge, so you can open one or both together to allow for better airflow. 

Push-Out Casement Window

One of the most popular designs for modern homes, push-out casement windows have a lever or handle that enables the user to open the window outward. They are e

Top-Hung Casement Window

Unlike most casement windows where the hinges are on the side, top-hung casement windows have top hinges. This feature enables the bottom of the window to swing outwards when opened, allowing airflow even in bad weather.

Why should you replace your windows?

There are a couple of reasons you may want to replace your casement windows. Firstly, if they are not functioning properly, such as causing draughts or condensation, they may need to be replaced. 

Secondly, they may just be due an upgrade.

Depending on when your casement windows were fitted, they may be single-glazed. Single glazing is no longer considered suitable for a UK home and is being phased out across the country.

There are several issues with single glazing, including:

  • Poor energy efficiency
  • Lack of insulation
  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Does not protect against noise pollution
  • Not as secure as double or triple-glazing

It’s not just the glazing that is likely to be old-fashioned in previous models. New casement windows offer better security and easier opening, require less maintenance and cleaning, and greater energy efficiency.

The benefits of casement windows

Casement windows offer many benefits to homeowners. From energy efficiency to uninterrupted views, here are a few reasons to install replacement casement windows.

Energy efficiency 

One of the main advantages of new casement windows is that they are highly energy efficient. Our casement windows use Argon gas between the panes of glass to increase insulation and energy efficiency. The airtight seals lock in heat while allowing proper airflow to retain warmth and reduce heating bills.

Less heat loss also means fewer carbon emissions, so you’ll also reduce your carbon footprint. Double and triple glazing increase your window’s energy efficiency, but you can also choose Planitherm windows, which include a low-E coating.

Our timber casement windows are made with sustainably sourced woods, and we believe in green manufacturing practices wherever possible.

Secure Locking Mechanisms 

Older casement windows lack the same level of security as their modern counterparts. Our windows include multi-point locking systems, with laminated glass available for extra privacy and security.

Excellent Ventilation

The style of casement windows means that, when fully opened, they ‘scoop’ fresh air into the room, improving ventilation and air quality in your home.

Unobstructed Views 

Slim frames and large glazed areas combined with the outward opening mean casement windows are perfect for providing uninterrupted views.

Increased Natural Light

These slim frames and single panes of glass also allow lots of natural light to flow through your home.

Easy Maintenance

You can usually access both sides of the glass from inside the room, making casement windows much easier (and safer) to clean.

Variety of Styles 

Choose from timber, uPVC or aluminium casement windows in a variety of colours and finishes. You can request the size (up to 170cm in height), choose the glazing you require and pick out hardware from a selection of styles and colours. 

Cost Considerations

When considering casement window replacements, you must weigh the initial cost against the potential savings.

Your budget should include the cost of the units and installation. It is always a good idea to hold some back to pay for any unforeseen issues. 

This initial outlay should be weighed against savings of up to £235 a year off your heating bills for switching to energy-efficient A-rated double-glazed windows. (

You should also factor in the lack of maintenance and cleaning required, which saves you time and money in the long run. 

Depending on the ceiling price of your home, new casement windows can also potentially increase the property value. It’s a good idea to check with your local estate agent before committing to any significant renovations.

Why Choose Manchester Window Factory?

At Manchester Window Factory, casement window replacements in Manchester and the surrounding areas are one of our most popular services. We offer a high-quality product at an affordable price. We will help you to design the ideal casement windows to suit your needs. 

Our expert in-house team of fitters can then install the windows and perform all the necessary safety and energy-efficiency checks, for your peace of mind. 

You can read some of our many positive reviews on TrustATrader and CERTASS then get in touch to find out more. Fill in our online quotation form, and we’ll respond in a timely fashion with a free no-obligation quote. You can also drop us an email at [email protected], call us on 0161 976 4739, or pop into our Altrincham showroom. You’ll find our latest opening hours at the bottom of the page on our website. 

What is the average cost of casement windows?

The average cost of a casement window is between £335 and £600. Prices vary depending on the materials used and the size of the windows. This price does not include installation.

Can old casement windows be repaired?

In some cases, old casement windows can be repaired rather than replaced. It largely depends on the level of damage, the age of the windows, and any other factors, such as the level of original glazing.

Is it better to restore or replace old windows?

Besides the level of damage, the decision on whether to restore or replace is down to you. However, a qualified fitter can advise you and explain which is best in your case. If costs are a concern, it is better to restore, where possible, to save money and retain the original window’s integrity. However, repairing the original window may not offer all the advantages of a newer model.